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Mum Knows Best - The best and worst advice shared by you

Mum Knows Best - The best and worst advice shared by you

There is an old saying that goes "Mum knows best" and for the most part, she does. Whether you asked for it or not, they know how to dish it out. Their advice can be life-changing, comforting and often practical, but as some of us know, the advice can be down-right nuts or just plain hilarious. In honour of Mother's Day 2017, we had a fantastic giveaway on Facebook and had followers share the best or worst advice their mother's or grandmother's had bestowed upon them over the years.

that 70's show

Feed from both boobs every time you breast feed so you don't end up lopsided for the next three hours.

Wait until the first baby is out of nappies before you have a second one.

Store all your plastic bags in one plastic bag.

If you need money, go make some yourself.

Put milk in before boiling water when making an instant coffee.

Offer your guests maximum two glasses of "the nice wine", by then they won't be able to tell the difference between that and "the cheap stuff" - Malinda

Advice handed down from my Grandmother to my Mother to me... "you have to suffer to be beautiful." Terrible advice until you stick yourself in the eye with eyeliner or grab the straightener by the plates instead of the handles. Running joke in our family is 'you can tell I've suffered' - Danielle

Before you do anything life-changing, call me! - Nick 

My Nana was my "mum" and had a saying "If by a kind word, gentle smile or generous act you can make someone else's day a little better, then yours is the better for it." She lived by those words and was the kindest woman I've ever known. It is my tribute to my amazing Nana that I endeavour to do just that, every day. - Natasha

Advice from mum: If someone asks you to do something but you don't want to do it; simply do it really badly and they will never ask you to do it again. Like babysitting and letting the kids watch 'scream' - Sarah

Mum taught me that there are wishbones, jawbones and backbones in this world. Wishbones dream, jawbones talk but backbones accomplish things. She told me to always strive to be a backbone, wise words I consider daily and a lesson I have passed down to my children. - Carleen

One was mum told me you don't need to shave your hairs aren't noticeable (I had hairs darker than all the boys in my class) - Elizabeth

Never ever listen to Dad! If he asked you to do something first there's a good chance it's stupid or you're going to get hurt!! - Zoe

What can we all take away from this? It's that our mums and grandmother's come in all shapes and forms as does their advice. They prepare us the best they can so we can go out into the big scary world and no matter how old we are, we will always need our mums.

For a whole range of ways to celebrate every Mum this Mother's Day visit