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The role of your Dad on your Wedding Day

The role of your Dad on your Wedding Day

The role of Dads on their daughters' wedding day was immortalised by Steve Martin in the 1991 movie, Father of the Bride, when he portrayed overprotective father George Banks, and the conflicting emotions he experienced in 'giving his little girl away'. Perhaps this movie highlighted to fathers everywhere, what not to do in regard to the happiest day of their daughter's life.

Father of the Bride - an important job

With Father's Day approaching soon, dads are in the spotlight. If you're getting married in the near future - or planning to before the end of the millennium - this may be the perfect time to start thinking about the role your Dad will play in the lead up to, and on the day of, your wedding.

Dads and weddings: finding a good fit

The part your Dad will play in your nuptials is dependent on a number of factors including; the nature of your relationship, the type of wedding you are having and your Dad's individual personality. Some fathers have been rehearsing their wedding speech since before you got a boyfriend, while others are slightly mortified about the prospect of addressing 100+ guests. Remember to take all of these factors into consideration and find a part for your Dad to play that is a good fit for you both.

Traditional roles for a Wedding Father

While every dad will play a different role in their daughter's wedding, there are some responsibilities traditionally reserved for the Father of the Bride.


So besides giving your future husband a hard time and bemoaning the loss of his little girl, here are some traditional duties you may like to invite your Dad to undertake on your big day:

  1. Walking you down the aisle
    Often thought to be one of the most touching parts of any wedding ceremony is when a father literally gives his daughter away to her husband-to-be. These days it is becoming popular for both mum and dad to walk the bride down the aisle - even if it is just for dad to have a shoulder to cry on once the deed is done.
  1. Giving a speech or wedding toast
    The speech or wedding toast is sometimes the most vital role a father will play on his daughter's wedding day. Depending on your Dad's public speaking skills, you may want to give him a time limit or suggest some content ideas.

Some tips for dads include; be prepared, be sincere, keep it brief, be complimentary. And remember not to indulge in too many wedding beverages beforehand. 

  1. Hosting the reception
    A father of the bride can help out the happy couple during the event by making sure things are running smoothly; greeting, thanking and saying farewell to guests, and ensuring everything is going according to plan. Once the formalities are finished, many dads also enjoy a father-daughter dance with the new bride.


    A Dad's main aim on his daughter's Wedding Day

    Whatever you decide is the perfect role for your Dad on your wedding day, just like George Banks in Father of the Bride, he will probably realise that as long as you are happy, nothing else matters. In the meantime, every other detail for Father's Day can be found at: